Friday, February 24, 2012

showcase: playstation gamers united

psgu's history
                   Back when "Hacktivist" group Anonymous declared war on Sony due to the incarnation of George Hotz aka Geohot for hacking the ps3 source code and releasing it on the internet, caused the second biggest cyber attack in internet history (the retaliation for the closure of file sharing site megaupload is first) crashed Sony's servers, the network consisted of approximately 130 servers, 50 software programs and displacing  77 million registered accounts!!!

       And this is where the story of PlayStation Gamers United starts........... like i said, the psn outage displaced 77 million users/gamers, that's like the us closing down with the populous left with no place to go. that lead video game and social web sites usage to rise. i found some like minded "angry/lost" gamers in a number of groups where i met the founding members and admins, thees groups fizzled out or people got trolled out ect. i met Stu and Armando in some of these groups, and when we found the same " eviction" got sick of the way people ran the page so they started there own. it's been almost a year for the formation of the group and we never have lost or momentum yet!!!
psgu PLAYSTATION home group 

the Community psgu page
 On With The Show..........


Now that the brief history is said and done, i want to show some of the members skill!! i will not be posting the real names of the members just the gamer names........
this is one of our younger members "DeltaShadow", and please sub to  Delta12Ton's   youtube channel
on this clip we see he's fairly deadly with a sniper rifle on modern warfare 3.....

this is one of my personnel fave's!! he's shift's in BEAST MODE and grabs him self a 9 kill streak in black ops!!

next we have "menace2179"  on modern warfare 3 in a confirmed kill  match tearing it up and getting the match winning kill!!! feel free to sub to his Menace's youtube channel

 ok now member "TRAZOE56" and his quick scope match in rust on modern warfare 2

hear is another member, Zdh789, hitting all-pro in mw3

I have been in all kinds of gamer groups sites, pages, but none has held strong like PLAYSTATION GAMERS UNITED!! we have faced "attacks" from trolls and other pages for reason we dont know why, may be we hold true the idea of a gamer community, or is it we have the same ideas of a good safe page for all to enjoy? there must be a reason for members who get band and come crawling back a  some time later.
all i know is, I'm in 8 other groups and i look in psgu not because I'm a admin but i look it the best! so if your on facebook and play on the ps3 and want to get in a quality group look us up and we'll let you in

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