Thursday, February 16, 2012

the 80's arcade to consoule freak out

from my last post I talked a bout Nintendo choice 10 machine and how there was a major difference between the coin-op and the consoles, let jump back to 1982, pac man is killing all other videogames in the arcades
(arcades where a place filled machines you could play for a quarter.mane type of games. i will post about that another time)

and the Atari 2600 was in just about every house in the flat 50 (teh u.s.) and the creator of the Atari Nolan Bushnell, saw how well the machines in the arcades where doing and wanted to have talks Namco,and  Midway (who was btw have a killer run in the market)  with making "home version"  but there was a little problem with that, the hardware on both machines where most in definite at a different side of of the room!!
going to slide of the main topic for a sec......
pac man is made by the video game company Namco is a Japanese based company and released it first in Tokyo but  it's first name was "puck man"(or パックマン, Pakku man) and when it cam to the states they feared "vandals" might deface the marquee and change the P to F, and make it into what? F#$K MAN!

back to the story!
ok so there was a agreement reached and pac man was going to be relesed for the Atari!!!
and the add campaign frenzy was every where!!! magazines,comic books,tv,ect!!! saying "REAL ARCADE ACTION!!!!" (see set youtube video)->
But the Atari couldn't handle the 8 (wait for it)MASSIVE bits of graphics lmao!!!! because the atari 2600 only had 4 bits! (it's like looking at a dell  to the first apple computer! google it!!!) and when it came out, it was very disappointing!!!  people where enraged!! they couldn't believe they dropped
54 bucks for that!! i remember my sisters and dad (mainly my dad) was very mad a bout it!  and that was ONLY the begening  other arcade to consoule games where set to meet the same fate!! like the greats centipede,donkey kong,donkey kong jr,space invaders,the list goes on and on!! the sound was crap the gfx where crap! and also one of the major rules for video game making was made due to one of the this fail (sorry for got it was rushed for the holly days) NEVER OVER HIPE KNOWING IT LACKS! witch atari did.......alot! and brought the down fall of Atari witch i'll save for another day, 

so back to the choice 10 and Nintendo it was a very smart move to make a arcade machine that showcased the very product your pushing! every body got to see AND play what they would get on the nes with out the disappointment!!! i most def go into more detail about the the rise of nintendo on another post. till next time! 

coming soon: the greatest videogame mascot pac man

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