Sunday, February 26, 2012


HEARS A GOOD ONE!!!        
Artist, Circus of Dead Squirrels.
Song, 8-Bit Piece of Shit
Album, Indoor Recess

Friday, February 24, 2012

showcase: playstation gamers united

psgu's history
                   Back when "Hacktivist" group Anonymous declared war on Sony due to the incarnation of George Hotz aka Geohot for hacking the ps3 source code and releasing it on the internet, caused the second biggest cyber attack in internet history (the retaliation for the closure of file sharing site megaupload is first) crashed Sony's servers, the network consisted of approximately 130 servers, 50 software programs and displacing  77 million registered accounts!!!

       And this is where the story of PlayStation Gamers United starts........... like i said, the psn outage displaced 77 million users/gamers, that's like the us closing down with the populous left with no place to go. that lead video game and social web sites usage to rise. i found some like minded "angry/lost" gamers in a number of groups where i met the founding members and admins, thees groups fizzled out or people got trolled out ect. i met Stu and Armando in some of these groups, and when we found the same " eviction" got sick of the way people ran the page so they started there own. it's been almost a year for the formation of the group and we never have lost or momentum yet!!!
psgu PLAYSTATION home group 

the Community psgu page
 On With The Show..........


Now that the brief history is said and done, i want to show some of the members skill!! i will not be posting the real names of the members just the gamer names........
this is one of our younger members "DeltaShadow", and please sub to  Delta12Ton's   youtube channel
on this clip we see he's fairly deadly with a sniper rifle on modern warfare 3.....

this is one of my personnel fave's!! he's shift's in BEAST MODE and grabs him self a 9 kill streak in black ops!!

next we have "menace2179"  on modern warfare 3 in a confirmed kill  match tearing it up and getting the match winning kill!!! feel free to sub to his Menace's youtube channel

 ok now member "TRAZOE56" and his quick scope match in rust on modern warfare 2

hear is another member, Zdh789, hitting all-pro in mw3

I have been in all kinds of gamer groups sites, pages, but none has held strong like PLAYSTATION GAMERS UNITED!! we have faced "attacks" from trolls and other pages for reason we dont know why, may be we hold true the idea of a gamer community, or is it we have the same ideas of a good safe page for all to enjoy? there must be a reason for members who get band and come crawling back a  some time later.
all i know is, I'm in 8 other groups and i look in psgu not because I'm a admin but i look it the best! so if your on facebook and play on the ps3 and want to get in a quality group look us up and we'll let you in

Thursday, February 16, 2012

the 80's arcade to consoule freak out

from my last post I talked a bout Nintendo choice 10 machine and how there was a major difference between the coin-op and the consoles, let jump back to 1982, pac man is killing all other videogames in the arcades
(arcades where a place filled machines you could play for a quarter.mane type of games. i will post about that another time)

and the Atari 2600 was in just about every house in the flat 50 (teh u.s.) and the creator of the Atari Nolan Bushnell, saw how well the machines in the arcades where doing and wanted to have talks Namco,and  Midway (who was btw have a killer run in the market)  with making "home version"  but there was a little problem with that, the hardware on both machines where most in definite at a different side of of the room!!
going to slide of the main topic for a sec......
pac man is made by the video game company Namco is a Japanese based company and released it first in Tokyo but  it's first name was "puck man"(or パックマン, Pakku man) and when it cam to the states they feared "vandals" might deface the marquee and change the P to F, and make it into what? F#$K MAN!

back to the story!
ok so there was a agreement reached and pac man was going to be relesed for the Atari!!!
and the add campaign frenzy was every where!!! magazines,comic books,tv,ect!!! saying "REAL ARCADE ACTION!!!!" (see set youtube video)->
But the Atari couldn't handle the 8 (wait for it)MASSIVE bits of graphics lmao!!!! because the atari 2600 only had 4 bits! (it's like looking at a dell  to the first apple computer! google it!!!) and when it came out, it was very disappointing!!!  people where enraged!! they couldn't believe they dropped
54 bucks for that!! i remember my sisters and dad (mainly my dad) was very mad a bout it!  and that was ONLY the begening  other arcade to consoule games where set to meet the same fate!! like the greats centipede,donkey kong,donkey kong jr,space invaders,the list goes on and on!! the sound was crap the gfx where crap! and also one of the major rules for video game making was made due to one of the this fail (sorry for got it was rushed for the holly days) NEVER OVER HIPE KNOWING IT LACKS! witch atari did.......alot! and brought the down fall of Atari witch i'll save for another day, 

so back to the choice 10 and Nintendo it was a very smart move to make a arcade machine that showcased the very product your pushing! every body got to see AND play what they would get on the nes with out the disappointment!!! i most def go into more detail about the the rise of nintendo on another post. till next time! 

coming soon: the greatest videogame mascot pac man

THE RETRO GAMES POST (PT.1) nes edition

Ok this one is for us old guys. let me take you back to a simple time, a time when the only windows you got pissed at was the one in bed room cuz it didn't open, and apple was nothing but a joke and there was only two video game systems. we had good times helping a brave little plumber and his brother fought hordes of turtles and mushroom thingies , and one brave solder stood in frount of a giant nuclear missile firing  mechwarrior!and we  fought thru 9 count them 9 dungeon for a triangle.
And the best thing was................................
so let's dust of dem cartridges and try to figure out how to hook up the rf switch to you 50" flat panel you'll want to play after this as i give you.
 I have to be straight forward hear, and show my age a little, I got a little nostalgic remembering all the games i got to play with my nes! :D gooooooooooooood times, good times! 

before we start, if you are interested in get your old school on, hear is a few sites with some good nes emulators! this is one of my fav's Emuparadise. they have it all! emus of all the classics sega,nintendo, playstation, mame. they even have all the roms and iso you want!!!
and there is The emulator zone but there you can find any and all emus! and the best way to get a FULL rom set is torrent sites!

down to business shall we?!?!?

If you never heard or played the first three sections, then i must take away one gamer card!!!

super mario bros.
I dont think people under stands the impact this
little cart did to the home consuls market!
it was this and duck hunt that came bundled with a "light gun" it ran a bout US$149.99
a nice bit of money back in 1988!

 Super Mario Bros

super mario bros. 2
what can be said a bout  two and three
that has been said, it stills hold up to this very day!
so i thought i through in a few funny mario videos and pics

super mario bros 3

Ok a little off topic, but still with the NES Theme we have going! as part of the whole Nintendo world, they learned from  the mistakes of Nolan Bushnell and Atari who promised "arcade grade" games but failed! (yes the consoles where lacking then) so instead of letting down the consumers they went and made a console grade arcade machine with the very same nes games found on the system it was made to promote!! for a simple quarter 0.25 cents would buy you 3 minuets of game time!! it's almost like a paided demo,

There has never been a nes game like castlevania, a simple action platformer of a vampire hunter er.....huhhhh...... you know what! watch this Egoraptor (please sub!!! if you don't he'll cut off my thumbs) video he does it better job explaining it any ways!

on to teh links!!


castlevania 2 simon's quest 

i will add more to this post at a later date or make a "pt.2" with more nes game soundtrack!!!
If you want to try these games you can get the emulator hear: Jnes 1.0.2. at emuparadise  or hear: Jnes 1.0.2 at emulator-zone  and you can find a FULL working rom set hear:nes roms  it's simple to install. down load
the emulator install to your hard drive
unzip the rom set
move the unpacked rom set to the folder marked "roms"
then play!!! if there is a problem with the link let me know!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I am so psyched up for this game! I down load the demo a few days ago, as i sat and  dropped a few promo's
in some of the gamer groups and pages I'm in while it "installed" my little gray buddy purring way,
once it was done, slammed the screen down grabbed the cold controller mashing the "X" button till i got in to a match...........


basically it's your normal fps style of game play (same controls of all fps game so your in the shit and gaming like a pro), but the differences  is it's all co-op, now i have been a fan of  co-op games like in the call of duty games made by  treyarch there has been co-op mode. in W@W there is a 4 player co-op where you and 3 other gamers go through the game levels along with the "Nazi zombies" from W@W and BLOPS also found in the resistance games
                                                      (2 and 3)
as all co-op works it's all about TEAMWORK!! the better you work
as a team more the story progresses! enough of my babbling!! just watch this.........
  i truly can't say any thing just yet! it's only a demo.
but i will say more it will hit stors on 2.21.12!!!

now I bet your asking why i'm so into this game! well I'll tell you!!!!!

the first syndicate game.........
it's back in 1993  the the war be Nintendo and Sega wages on and Atari is getting ready to release the jaguar and pc was picking steam with games.a little development group called BullFrog!
to my surprise there are more than 2 games!!! here's a little fan site
i found with some info!!!

and yes i do got a copy to upload for YOU!!! (Syndicate plus, you get the first game and the add on Syndicate: American Revolt,but i i haven't tried to install on win 7 and you might need to use dosbox "teh dos prompt emulator" Now if you find a easy way to use dosbox let me know.

syndicate wars.........

ok it's sad to say but i never played this one,
i never even knew it came out! but i'll try to kick it down!(thank the gaming gods for wikipedia!!)
It was made by bullfrog in 1996, and was released for the Sony PlayStation, the Sega Saturn, as well for the pc format, 

Monday, February 6, 2012


ok people, sorry it's been a long 4 days from my last post, and trust me on twitter i boast about the next 2 or 3 posts! yes i am a gamer but i also have a full time job!!!


I have a few cool things for you to kill some time till i get them done!!!  (from past posts a dlc tipe of things! lol)

 nyan cat lost in space

idk but i love this little cat!!!!!

ok now back to the Gotham City Impostors
 beta boot camp play list

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Awesome Website Arcade Games!

    As all people on the web, we sit and wait for a friend to get on line, get bored a mess around and so the hunt
begins!!! google "flash games" 80's arcades,  ect......
     there are so meany games and sites. some are clones for arcade games there are some really well made indie games. but as i all ways say "gamers are gamers the only thing that keeps us apart is our format" hear is a list of good sites and games you can find any where!!

the first one i found was on a you video by vsauce. it's a awesome channel filled with randomness sites and pic's, on one of the pass videos they showcased a game called The eyes have it game. 
you are given a picture of a cartoon characters and Muppet and you have to match the right set of eyes!

The Sound Walk is a rhythm based game with the same game play of vib Ribbon. (also has it's own flash site vib ribbon )the main character walks and faced with obstacles and you enter the buttons to remove them. better said for the page
"The Sound Walk - a fast action rhythm game with a dark forbidding ambience - is innovative in so many ways. Firstly, there is its reinvention of the Guitar Hero rhythm formula into a side-scrolling music action game. Then there are the wonderfully eery graphics and atmospheric music. Finally, there is the inspired game play

on the games main page you can find other rhythm type of games. take a look, i know i will!

 shopping cart hero  is one of my long time running favorites. basically what you do is make the little gut with the cart run as fast as he can and try to jump as far as you can, now there are upgrades for your carts. it's also out for most hand held devices. ipod,ipad,android                                                      

We all have heard of of the cable [Adult Swim] from cartoon network.
but they also have a whole theme park of flash games like

         rock paper scissors extreme deathmatch

amateur surgeon
 5 minutes to kill yourself
                                robot unicorn attack


  hemp tycoon is also on facebook                                                                                                              

And so meany more!

And our last set (for now) 
this is not so much of a game or cg art and i really wish i knew the real name of the group/person who made them. all to getter just simply amazing programers,gamers,and art fan love this a like!! 
I found this messing around on the web, found the facebook page in hopes to see the real name ana somnia
and found this first
Light Out!

and part of this  99 Rooms

 this more of a art project posted a few weeks ago, the only thing i had to say was "pixar is in for a run for there money!"
and if you liked that then sub to the channel 
iscam25 channel 

with in the next month or so i will  be showcasing
some of the gamers in some of the groups i am in!
the firsy one i'm going to show off is 
PlayStation Gamers United 
so look for it in the near Future!!

and before I for get I "reset" my twitter account!! so if you want to hear any random thought or useless games facts or my undying hatred for WII and hard core fanboys it's #dbob666gamsty!!
until next post, stay strong stay gaming!

In Coming Edit!!!!!!!

when i found this i fell outta my chair! take the old school nes classic super mario bros. with the best of the best of the 8-bit universe Mario, Luigi, link,samus aran,master blaster,mega man,Bill "Mad Dog" Rizer and Lance "Scorpion" Bean from contra, and the list goes on!
hear is a nice trailer to show you about what i'm talking about!! and her is the place you can play it on this site 2,03 OR 2.00 there you go have fun