Friday, January 27, 2012

Gotham City Impostors BETA

 Gotham City Impostors has hit the psn as a FREE BETA!! (don't need psn plus) now you think to your self "another fps shooter *rolls eyes* that's so over done!!" ok so far in  the beta i have see,IT'S FULL OF WIN!
you have 4 or 5 presets (like on modern warfare) slots and with progressing you will unlock custom slots and new weapons  same with costumes and "calling cards" 
the game play so far is 2 types of matches, both domination style

fumigation : there are 3 hold places where the "gas machines" you and your team will need to secure, there is also a gas meeter that starts at a 50/50 and longer you hold the gas machines the more the % goes to the winning sides! hit 100% and the match is over
and please sub to optimuspauk93
OptimusPAUL 93 channel

the next is psych warfare is like demolition sort of............ there are 1 battery and two "propaganda"  points!
the point of the match is to pick up the battery take it to your propaganda post and get a point AND 15 seconds of dazed foes!!! (the video below)
and please sub to  GamingWithThaSauce's Channel!!!

btw not my vidoes......... but of course there is a "initiation" level to show you some of the cool stuff you can do!! i am most def getting this!!! the release date is still unknown (at lest to me!) so i leave you with the "Official Trailer"............

                                         if you havn't herd of I.G.N then goggle it!!! jk
i will try to get a starhawk review if i ever stop playing this one..................................

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